Luke Course
January 6, 2022
3 years ago

A very common question. Gawk, meaning… what?

We here at Gawk are frequently met with a “huh” or a “what” when introducing our small business.

Because of this, we wanted to define Gawk; give meaning to the word Gawk.

Yes, I’m sure you can search “What does Gawk mean?” into your google search bar and be met with endless definitions; a clumsy stupid person or to gape or stare stupidly, as well as some more unique statements from the infamous Urban Dictionary.

We wanted to define what Gawk means to us.

So, we did – we came up with four key values that perfectly highlight the best parts of our business and what we are about

Down to Earth

We like to think that if people love dealing with us, they will keep dealing with us. We are not afraid to make changes based on what our customers want and need.

No Bullshit

If someone asks us a question, they can expect an honest answer. We don’t beat around the bush. We get sh*t done.

Love Every Day

Regional Victoria is an incredible place, we try to make sure we can enjoy it whenever possible. We try to fill each day with things we love doing and this adds to the unique culture we have curated at Gawk.

Hustle Hard

We are always on offense. We will look at any opportunity.

These four values perfectly summarise the unique business strategy being created here at Gawk.

Now to come up with a catchy slogan…